If you want to transfer Chipolo from one account to another and you do not want to share it through the Chipolo app, the original owner needs to remove it and the new owner just adds it to their account.
In a situation where you get a new phone, transferring a Chipolo is not needed since Chipolo is paired to a user account and directly not a phone. You simply install the Chipolo app on your new phone and log in with the same account.
To remove a Chipolo from your Chipolo account you need to be online. Please make sure that your phone has an active Wi-Fi or data connection at the time that you are removing the Chipolo.
To remove a Chipolo from your account:
1. In the main list of the Chipolo app, tap on the Chipolo you want to remove to open Chipolo detail screen
2. Tap 'Chipolo Settings'
3. In the Chipolo Settings, tap 'Remove'
4. To Confirm Chipolo removal, tap on 'Remove'
The Chipolo has now been removed from your Chipolo account.