Chipolo is a Bluetooth 4.0 enabled device that you can attach to items that you may misplace. You are able to use the Chipolo iOS or Android application to find it.
The Chipolo locations are updated using the Bluetooth connection between the Chipolo and the Chipolo App running on your iOS or Android. The Chipolo App "discovers" Chipolo using Bluetooth signals and then uses the services of the iOS or Android devices to update the location information for that Chipolo. The Chipolo needs to be within the Bluetooth range of approximately 200 feet/60 meters of the iOS or Android device to be discovered.
What if I lost my item?
This is where the "Community Search” feature comes in to play. If any Chipolo Community member running the Chipolo App comes in range of a Chipolo, their App will send an anonymous update of that Chipolo’s location to our system, helping the owner to locate that item even if they are not nearby.
As the Chipolo Community of users running the app grows, the more effective our community becomes in finding your lost item.